Scientific Articles

Minimizing CO2 emissions with renewable energy: A comparative study of emerging technologies in the steel Industry

Marian Flores-Grenobles & Mark Saeys, Energy & Environmental Science 13(7), 2020, 1923-1932, DOI: 10.1039/D0EE00787K

Upscaling methods used in ex ante life cycle assessment of emerging technologies: a review

Natalya Tsoy, Bernhard Steubing, Coen van der Giesen & Jeroen Guinée, The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 25, 2020, 1680-1692, DOI: 10.1007/s11367-020-01796-8

Catalytic challenges and strategies for the carbonylation of σ-bonds

Tawfiq Nasr Allah, Louise Ponsard, Emmanuel Nicolas & Thibault Cantat, Green Chemistry 23(2), 2021, 723-739, DOI: 10.1039/D0GC02343D

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Coupling Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction with Thermocatalysis Enables the Formation of a Lactone Monomer

Louise Ponsard, Emmanuel Nicolas, Ngoc Huan Tran, Sarah Lamaison, David Wakerley, Thibault Cantat & Marc Fontecave, ChemSusChem (in press), 2021, DOI: 10.1002/cssc.202100459

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What drives public acceptance of sustainable CO2-derived building materials? A conjoint-analysis of eco-benefits vs. health concerns

Katrin Arning, Julia Offerman-van Heek & Martina Ziefle, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 144, 2021, 110873, DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2021.110873

Additive-Free Formic Acid Dehydrogenation Catalyzed by a Cobalt Complex

Nicolas Lentz, Alicia Aloisi, Pierre Thuéry, Emmanuel Nicolas & Thibault Cantat, Organometallics 40(5), 2021, 565-569, DOI: 10.1021/acs.organomet.0c00777

Please note: the authors’ version is reposited and accessible through the HAL archive under

Deriving Economic Potential and GHG Emissions of Steel Mill Gas for Chemical Industry

Jason Collis, Till Strunge, Bernhrd Steubing, Arno Zimmermann & Reinhard Shomäcker, Frontiers in Energy Research 9:642162, DOI: 10.3389/fenrg.2021.642162

The Social Acceptance Factors for Insulation Boards Produced With CO2-Derived Foam

Lisanne Simons, Martina Ziefle & Katrin Arning, Frontiers in Energy Research 9:717975, DOI: 10.3389/fenrg.2021.717975



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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 768919
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